Browse Byzantine churches of the historic center of Athens
Next to the great church of the Cathedral of Athens is a smaller church which was built in the 12The century. and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary Gorgoepiko and Agios Eleftherios. In front there frieze of the monument 4th century. and reflects official holidays Attic. Originally it was the seat of the Orthodox Diocese, when the commissioners were expelled from the Parthenon, initially by the Franks and later by the Turks. From 1839 until the 1842 used as a library.
The new metropolis located next built between 1842 and 1862 and an cathedral in Athens. It is a basilica with a dome that combines Byzantine and post-Byzantine elements.
Kapnikarea (ERMOU)
Byzantine church cross type domed, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The original building dates back to the 11The century. but completed in the 13th century. At times they had different names such Kamoucharea, Chrysokamouchariotissa, Lady of Princess, Virgin Prenza (Prince).
In the year 1834 , constructed in Ermou Street, It was the subject of transfer or demolition of the church but it was saved and remains until now in its initial position thanks to Ludwig of Bavaria, King Otto's father and Bishop Neophytos Metaxa Athens, Bishop of Talantio.
Built in the second quarter of 11The century. on the ruins of an ancient temple of the goddess Artemis and type cruciform, tetrastyle. The church is dedicated to the patron Saint Catherine of Sinai but is triune . The right chapel is dedicated to Saint Anthony and left the Hagia Sophia. Located in the middle of a small square homonymous, within which there remains Roman monument.
Near the square there is the monument of Lysicrates. In ancient Athens, theatrical performances in the theater of Dionysos epichorigountan by wealthy citizens. The sponsor of the best performance prize win. When the wealthy Lysicrates won (334 B.C.) He decided to build a monument that housed the, which dominates today, in Lysikratous Square. Here churchgoers General Makrygiannis as lived near.
Street Herefontos, Lysikratous, Galanos and Goura.
built in the 11The century. and was part of the family palace Rangavas, member of which was Michael A. ' , Emperor of Byzantium. This time because the whole area was called Rangavas, The church is named.
Located at the junction of Erotokritos and Erechteos roads and a chapel of St. Nicholas Rangavas. O Temple was built in the late 11th early 12th century and is two-columned cruciform temple with Athinaikos formula dome;. Near the temple is said that the two cannons were placed that destroyed the 1687 the Parthenon, during the siege of the Acropolis by Morosini.
This church is situated in street Kydathinaion, Savior and Dragon, opposite the Museum of Greek Folk Art. Built in the early 11The and triliti type, vaulted basilica with dome. It is known as Holy Savior as it was originally dedicated to the Savior and the Virgin 1847 until the 1855 served as a Russian church. celebrated on 6 August, The Transformation of God. It is triune with two chapels, the right is dedicated to St. George and the left in Agios Dimitrios. The name Kottakis due to family erected the temple. Apart from the magnificent temple, work of D.. Pelekasis, the small garden of the church stands the marble fountain 17th century.
Parish church phone : 210-3224633
METOCHI Holy Sepulcher (Anafiotika)
small monastery, type basilica, Street Erechteos. Exarchia is headquarters of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem and is dedicated to Saint Anargyroi.
Chronologically placed in 17th century. in the place where in ancient times there was a temple of Aphrodite. the kodonostasio located on the north side of the roof, white marble is later. It was the Catholic monastery founded in 1651 the priest Demetrius Gourd, hearty fry-known Athenian family, in which the area belonged. The monastery was originally a female and then male. deserted the 1687 the siege of the Acropolis by the Italian admiral Morosini and 1760 was purchased by the then Exarch of the Holy Sepulcher in Athens and Archimandrite Iakovos was the Exarchia. Today one can see a number of the cells of the old monastery of a well and an old gas lantern lit up the streets. In this monastery every Easter receive the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem with special prices.
Erechteos 18, Plate, phone : 2103225810
Located in Thrasivoulou Street 9 Aliberti and Plaka. The temple was built in the 12The century. probably in place of an ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Hestia is aisled vaulted basilica. Her name is not known exactly where it comes from. After the occupation of Athens by the Franks in 1204, We moved here from the Parthenon image of the Mother of God or Kastriotissa, from its position beneath the Acropolis (Castle) or Chrysokastriotissas. celebrated on 15 August.
Telephone temple : 210-3250322
SAINTS mission Solakis (ancient market)
The temple is located in the Agora excavations in the area. It is one of the oldest churches in Athens and was built in 1000-1025 AD on the ruins of a Roman nymphaeum 2th century. The 1950 after restoration acquired original form.
PANTANASSA (PL. Monastiraki)
Basilica 10th century. He belonged to the Assumption monastery from which it takes its name throughout the region. Formerly a dependency of the Monastery of Kaisariani.
church 16 century. with surviving Byzantine frescoes. It belongs to the type-aisle, vaulted basilica. Loubardiaris The name comes from the great cannon was Propylaea Acropolis (Loumparda). According to tradition, on the eve of the feast of St. Demetrios, Turkish commander Yusuf Agha turned the big cannon from the Acropolis to the faithful, which at that time were in the church and tried to kill them, but the Saint saved the. Located at Dionysius Areopagite and St. Paul, on Philopappou Hill. Crossing the paved road with impressive benches, designed by architect D.. Pikionis, through a wooded area you reach the chapel. Due to its idyllic location endykeitai chapel for weddings and christenings.
Intangible SAINTS (THISIO)
cruciform Church 11th century.